For or against? Where do you stand?

Think the Internet is safe?

Watch to find out how your life can be taken over in just seconds!

(See how easily freaks can take over your life, 2013)

Feeling terrified? Well you should be because I most definitely am! You might think that your online identity can be concealed with fake names and multiple levels of security,but guess what? There are plenty of professionals out there that can easily track you down and steal your identity just like the one shown in the video above!

Now back to the main topic of today, are you for or against having > 1 online identity?

First off, what is a digital identity?

” Your digital identity encompasses a staggering amount of information. Every credit card transaction, uploaded photo, shared social post, social login, sent email, and site cookie shapes our digital identity. ” (Mark Bregman,2014)

Yes, that’s right, whatever that you have uploaded on social media sites and the personal information that you provide through online transactions encompasses your online identity. Now now, take a look at the man below, do you recognize him?

One Identity


“Having two identities for yourself is an example of a lack of integrity” (Mark Zuckerberg, 2010)

Yes, that’s what Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of this century’s most widely used social platform, Facebook, said in an interview with David Kirkpatrick. Now you must find it shocking that Mark Zuckerberg of all people is FOR having only one identity be it online or in real life.

I personally agree that every individual to be truly themselves and not another persona when one is online. When you put yourself out there on the Internet, you should be real and not some virtual character made up to confuse others. The whole point of creating a digital identity is so that others can see who you are and not who you are pretending to be.

Multiple Identities

With numerous social media platforms that are available to the world today, it is easy for one to stray from they are in their everyday lives and become a completely different person online. For some, they might find it more comfortable to hide their real identity and interact with others as someone else for fear that others may not like them for who they really are. While others may have multiple personalities online as they do not want to be discovered or even enjoy the idea of anonymity on the web.

In other cases however, malicious individuals or groups abuse the use of creating multiple identities to steal from other online identities. Every year, there are millions of people out there that are victims of identity fraud and this figure only continues to rise each year.

(Javelin Strategy & Research Report, 2013)

(Javelin Strategy & Research Report, 2013)

All in all, I feel that it is important to be yourself both on and off the web. If you are not comfortable in sharing every aspect of yourself online, you can choose not to share everything but don’t become someone else in the process as that is not who you truly are. Having one identity is more than enough, after all, isn’t that what makes each and everyone of us unique?

How about you? Are you for or against having more than one online identity? Let me know in the comments below!



Anon., 2013. More Than 12 Million Identity Fraud Victims in 2012 According to Latest Javelin Strategy & Research Report. [Online]
Available at:,pressRoomDetail
[Accessed 1 December 2014].

Anon., n.d. Digital Identity Awareness. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 1 December 2014].

Bregman, M., 2014. Can We Control Our Digital Identities?. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 1 December 2014].

Cutler, K.-M., 2010. Why Mark Zuckerberg needs to come clean about his views on privacy. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 1 December 2014].

Guillaume, D., 2013. See how easily freaks can take over your life. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 1 December 2014].

Michael Zimmer, 2010. Facebook’s Zuckerberg: “Having two identities for yourself is an example of a lack of integrity”. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 1 December 2014].

PUVVADI, K. C., 2014. Mark Zuckerberg explained why he forced us to install Facebook Messenger In QA session. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 1 December 2014].




  1. cheexiuzhen · December 1, 2014

    Hi Corinne, I enjoyed reading your opinions on this topic! 🙂 After reading your post, I have come up with several interesting points that I would like to ask for your views on. Here goes! 😀

    I do agree that individuals should be truly themselves and authentic when they are online. However, do you agree that one can be authentic with multiple identities as well? For me, I believe strongly in the motives of individuals when it comes down to the question on whether to have one or more online identity.

    In my scenario, I would just have two identities whereby I could separate my working and professional identity away from my private and social identity. Have you thought of having another online identity when you step out into the working society? 🙂 If not, what would you do if your future employers add you on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram? 🙂


    • corinnesyq · December 2, 2014

      Hey Xiuzhen, thanks for your feedback!

      I do agree that one can be authentic even with multiple identities. However, I personally feel that having one identity is enough to show who I really am, as long as I know how to manage it effectively! I am not afraid to show both my professional and personal sides using one identity as there really is nothing to hide.

      I most probably would not create a separate identity when I start working as I feel comfortable in my own skin. I am open to my future employers adding me on my social platforms as I have done so during my past internships and part time jobs.

      Overall, I feel that it is really up to each individual’s preferences as some might be more comfortable with having more than one identity. Hope this answers your question!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. torws · December 1, 2014

    Hi Corinne,

    Very neatly summarised arguments for and against multiple identities. I do share the same sentiment as you on those minority who uses and abuses the power of the internet. I find it very interesting that you highlighted the point ‘having one identity is more than enough’.

    I thought I could perhaps share a fascinating article that I come across:

    Adweek reported that in the commercial sector people who use pseudonyms post comments of higher quality and frequency. From this, we can also see that anonymity allows people to give honest feedback on products and encourages people to voice their opinions. (Could not be achieve if using real name)

    Understanding your support for Mark Zuckerberg famous quote. You might be interested to know that, he had apparently backtracked on this guideline and mention the pressure of real identity is somewhat of a burden.–zuckerberg-changes-his-mind-about-anonymity.html

    Hope this give you more insight on the use for multiple identities. Overall great post! I enjoyed it. :))


    • corinnesyq · December 2, 2014

      Hey Tor, thanks for the articles that you shared, I definitely gained more insight after reading them!

      I do agree that anonymity allows individuals to be more open and honest regarding their feedback and opinions as they are not afraid to be found out by using pseudonyms. As for Mark Zuckerberg’s change of mind, I feel that there is not right or wrong as to whether one chooses to have one or more identity.

      The choice is really up to each individual. Some might feel more comfortable voicing out their thoughts or even achieve a work-life balance using more than identity. However, there are also others who are comfortable with just one identity.

      Although I disagree with the misuse of multiple identities, I do understand that some are more comfortable creating multiple identities due to the circumstances that they are in. Over time, people’s thoughts do evolve and change. Maybe one day I might favour having more than one identity, who knows!


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